Leibniz equality in Haskell, part 2: heterogeneous equality
This is the second part in my two-part series on Leibniz equality in Haskell. See here for part 1. Part 2 will build on ideas and concepts from part 1, so if you haven’t read part 1 yet, go do so!
In part 1 of this blog series, we introduced Leibniz equality, an alternative to propositional equality that converts equal things by way of explicit substitution. Here is how to define Leibnizian equality in Haskell as a data type:
type (:=) :: k -> k -> Type
newtype a := b = Refl { subst :: forall c. c a -> c b }
We spent a lot of time in part 1 analyzing the second line of this code
snippet, which contains the definition of (:=)
. In contrast, we spent very
little time talking about the first line, which declares the kind of (:=)
The kind k -> k -> Type
states that if there is an equality a := b
, then
and b
must both have the kind k
. Because (:=)
requires both type
arguments to have the same kind, (:=)
is a form of homogeneous equality.
Homogeneous equality is not the only game in town, however. In this part of the blog series, we will examine heterogeneous equality, a more exotic form of equality where the type arguments are allowed to have different kinds. In particular, we will implement a heterogeneous form of Leibniz equality. This will put GHC’s kind system to the test, as we will need higher-rank kinds in order to define and use heterogeneous Leibniz equality.
What exactly is heterogeneous equality?
Before diving into the “Leibniz” part of the phrase “heterogeneous Leibniz equality”, let’s take a moment to understand the “heterogeneous” part. The terms “homogeneous” and “heterogeneous” are more commonly used in the natural sciences to refer to how uniform a substance is. A homogeneous substance is uniform throughout, while a heterogeneous substance lacks uniformity. There are examples of homogeneity and heterogeneity in physics, climatology, biology, chemistry, ecology, and more.
When applied to equality types, the homogeneous-heterogeneous distinction refers to the kinds of the argument involved. To show you what I mean, let’s recall the definition of propositional equality in Haskell:
type (:~:) :: k -> k -> Type
data a :~: b where
Refl :: a :~: a
This is a homogeneous form of equality, as both a
and b
must have the same
kind. It is permissible to have equalities like Int :~: Int
and Maybe :~: Maybe
but something like Int :~: Maybe
would be forbidden, since Int :: Type
Maybe :: Type -> Type
The Data.Type.Equality
module also provides a heterogeneous version of (:~:)
called (:~~:)
type (:~~:) :: j -> k -> Type
data a :~~: b where
HRefl :: a :~~: a
Remarkably, the definitions of (:~:)
and (:~~:)
are quite similar. Aside
from renaming (:~:)
to (:~~:)
and Refl
to HRefl
(short for “heterogeneous
”), the only real difference is that the kind has changed from
k -> k -> Type
to j -> k -> Type
. That is, the kinds of the argument types
are now allowed to differ.
Despite being so similar to (:~:)
, GHC wasn’t able to define (:~~:)
at all
until GHC 8.0. This is because prior to GHC 8.0, GADT constructors could equate
types, but not kinds. Note that the HRefl
constructor not only equates the
types a
and b
, it also equates their kinds j
and k
. GHC 8.0 made the
treatment of types and kinds more consistent, which paved the way for both
heterogeneous propositional equality (as shown above) and heterogeneous
Leibniz equality (as we will see later).
Why should I care about heterogeneous equality?
At this point, one might legitimately ask the question: why is heterogeneous
equality such a big deal? Upon a cursory glance, it might seem like the ability
to have argument types with different kinds isn’t that useful. That would give
you the ability to write Int :~~: Maybe
as a type, for instance, but if you
actually tried to write HRefl :: Int :~~: Maybe
, it would fail to typecheck,
since HRefl
ultimately requires the kinds of its arguments to be the same.
The real power of (:~~:)
shines when its arguments are polymorphic. One such
scenario arises when dealing with length-indexed vectors, a variation of the
list data type that records how many elements are in the list at the type
type Vec :: Type -> Nat -> Type
data Vec a n where
VNil :: Vec a Z
(:>) :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (S n)
The number of elements are recorded as a Nat
, which is a convenient way to
represent the natural numbers:
type Nat :: Type
data Nat where
Z :: Nat -- The number zero
S :: Nat -> Nat -- The successor of a number (i.e., n+1)
We can define a type family which converts from a length-indexed vector to an ordinary list of the same length:
type FromVec :: Vec a n -> [a]
type family FromVec v where
FromVec VNil = '[]
FromVec (x :> xs) = x : FromVec xs
We can also define a type family which goes in the opposite direction [2]:
type ToVec :: forall a. forall (l :: [a]) -> Vec a (Len l)
type family ToVec l where
ToVec '[] = VNil
ToVec (x : xs) = x :> ToVec xs
This makes use of an auxiliary type family to compute the length of the argument list:
type Len :: [a] -> Nat
type family Len l where
Len '[] = Z
Len (_ : xs) = S (Len xs)
Now let’s try to prove that FromVec
and ToVec
are inverse operations. That
is, FromVec (ToVec l)
is equal to l
for all lists l
, and
ToVec (FromVec v)
equals v
for all length-indexed vectors v
. The former
property can be stated using homogeneous equality: FromVec (ToVec l) :~: l
If we try to state the latter property using ToVec (FromVec v) :~: v
however, we encounter a roadblock:
• Couldn't match kind ‘n’ with ‘Len (FromVec v)’
Expected kind ‘Vec a n’,
but ‘ToVec (FromVec v)’ has kind ‘Vec a (Len (FromVec v))’
What is going on here? Let’s inspect the type a bit more closely, making the
kinds of each type clear with an explicit forall
forall (a :: Type) (n :: Nat) (v :: Vec a n).
ToVec (FromVec v) :~: v
The use of (:~:)
requires that the kinds of ToVec (FromVec v)
and v
the same. The kind of v
is Vec a n
, while the kind of
ToVec (FromVec v)
is Vec a (Len (FromVec v))
. In order for these kinds to
be equal, Len (FromVec v)
must be the same as n
. While it is possible to
prove that this is true, GHC’s typechecker does not perform this kind of
reasoning on its own. As a result, GHC conservatively assumes that
Len (FromVec v)
is not equal to n
While these kinds are technically not the same, they would become the same if
we could perform case analysis on v
. For instance, is v
is equal to VNil
then n
must be equal to Z
. Moreover, FromVec VNil
reduces to '[]
, so
Len (FromVec VNil)
would reduce to Len '[]
, which is also Z
. We can
perform similar reasoning when v
is (:>)
. For this reason, it’s not quite
accurate to say that ToVec (FromVec v)
doesn’t equal v
—it’s just that
isn’t flexible enough to let us encode this fact.
This is exactly the kind of situation where heterogeneous equality shines.
Because the argument types are allowed to have different kinds in a
heterogeneous equality, the type ToVec (FromVec v) :~~: v
does kind-check.
The full details of the proof of ToVec (FromVec v) :~~: v
are beyond the
scope of this post, but I’ve posted a gist
for curious readers who want to read more.
Another important use case for heterogeneous equality is as a building block
for the Data.Dynamic
module, which enables the use of dynamic types in a
statically typed setting. For more details, see the paper
A reflection on types.
Heterogeneous Leibniz equality
Now that we’ve seen the role that heterogeneous equality can play in a propositional setting, let’s see if we can do the same thing in a Leibniz setting. Recall the definition of homogeneous Leibniz equality:
type (:=) :: k -> k -> Type
newtype a := b
= Refl { subst :: forall c. c a -> c b }
What should we change to make this heterogeneous? If we apply the same changes
as we did going from (:~:)
to (:~~:)
, then we end up with something like
type (:==) :: j -> k -> Type
newtype a :== b
= HRefl { hsubst :: forall c. c a -> c b }
This time, however, just changing the kind signature isn’t enough, as GHC will reject this definition:
• Expected kind ‘j’, but ‘b’ has kind ‘k’
• In the first argument of ‘c’, namely ‘b’
In the type ‘forall c. c a -> c b’
In the definition of data constructor ‘HRefl’
Note that c
is applied to both a
and b
, which have different kinds.
Since c
is declared without a kind, GHC must infer what its kind is.
Due to the way GHC’s type inference works, when it encounters c a -> ...
GHC infers that c
has the kind j -> Type
. Later, GHC sees c b
, but
because b
has kind k
rather than j
, it rejects the application
as a kind error.
There is a way to make this definition well-kinded, however: give c
higher-rank kind.
Like kind equalities, higher-rank kinds is a feature that
first appeared in GHC 8.0. GHC won’t infer a higher-rank kind on its own, so
we must give c
such a kind explicitly:
type (:==) :: j -> k -> Type
newtype a :== b
= HRefl { hsubst :: forall (c :: forall i. i -> Type). c a -> c b }
having the kind forall i. i -> Type
indicates that it must be able to
be applied to an argument type of any kind. For example, Proxy
(from the
module) is one valid instantiation of c
, as Proxy
can be applied to Int
, and types of any other kind. On the other hand, []
would not be
a valid instantiation of c
; while [Int]
is well kinded, [Maybe]
not be.
Because of c
’s higher-rank kind, we now have the power to apply it to both
and b
. This power doesn’t come for free, however, as we are now more
limited in what contexts we can use to instantiate c
. As we will see
later, this adds an extra wrinkle when trying to implement functions that
use (:==)
is an equivalence relation
Like its homogeneous counterpart (:=)
, the (:==)
type is an equivalence
relation. That is, (:==)
is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Let’s
prove all three of these.
The proof of reflexivity for (:==)
is essentially identical to that of (:=)
refl :: a :== a
refl = HRefl id
Just as with (:=)
, all uses of (:==)
essentially boil down to
the identity function.
The proof of symmetry for (:==)
, on the other hand, throws us an unexpected
curveball. Drawing upon the proof of symmetry for (:=)
as inspiration, one
may be tempted to try this:
type Symm :: j -> k -> Type
newtype Symm a b = Symm { unsymm :: b :== a }
symm :: forall a b. (a :== b) -> (b :== a)
symm aEqualsB = unsymm (hsubst aEqualsB @(Symm a) (Symm refl))
Surprisingly, symm
doesn’t typecheck:
• Expected kind ‘forall i. i -> Type’,
but ‘Symm a’ has kind ‘k0 -> Type’
• In the type ‘(Symm a)’
In the first argument of ‘unsymm’, namely
‘(hsubst aEqualsB @(Symm a) (Symm refl))’
In the expression: unsymm (hsubst aEqualsB @(Symm a) (Symm refl))
To understand why this doesn’t typecheck, we need to take a careful look at the
kind of Symm a
. The full kind of Symm
is forall j k. j -> k -> Type
. When
is applied to a
, GHC must instantiate Symm
with invisible kind
arguments to match up with the forall j k. ...
part of Symm
’s kind.
GHC ends up picking Symm @j @k0 a
. The first invisible argument @j
from the fact that a :: j
. There isn’t an obvious choice
for the second invisible argument, however. As a result, GHC’s kind inference engine
picks a fresh kind variable k0
and hopes that inference will figure out what
should be later. (This explains why the error message mentions k0
despite it not appearing anywhere in the original program.)
The kind of Symm @j @k0 a
is k0 -> Type
. It should be clarified that this
is not the same thing as forall k0. k0 -> Type
in this context, and this is
the root of the issue. The c
in the type of hsubst
is required to have a
higher-rank kind—that is, one where the kind variable is quantified by a forall
Since k0 -> Type
is not a higher-rank kind, GHC rejects this program as
being ill-kinded.
The fact that k0 -> Type
cannot be generalized to forall k0. k0 -> Type
somewhat surprising, since this a property that is unique to kinds. For a more
in-depth explanation on why this is the case, refer to my other blog post
The surprising rigidness of higher-rank kinds.
The tl;dr version is that Symm
has the wrong kind for our needs. We need a
different version of Symm
such that Symm a
really does have kind forall k. k -> Type
There are two different ways to get what we seek. One is to define an entirely new data type with an appropriate kind:
type Symm' :: forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
newtype Symm' a b = Symm' { unsymm' :: b :== a }
The only tangible difference between Symm
and Symm'
, aside from their names,
are the kinds involved. Symm'
has a kind with a nested forall
. This makes an
important difference when applied to invisible type arguments. Note that Symm a b
is shorthand for Symm @j @k a b
, while Symm' a b
is shorthand for Symm' @j a @k b
The order of forall
s is of utmost importance when Symm
and Symm'
partially applied. As discussed above, Symm a
is shorthand for Symm @j @k0 a
and since @j
and @k0
instantiate both of the forall
‘d type variables in Symm
’s kind,
Symm @j @k0
has kind k0 -> Type
On the other hand, Symm' a
is shorthand for
Symm' @j a
. This is because the kind of Symm'
starts with forall j. j -> ...
so only one invisible type argument needs to be supplied. As a result,
Symm' @j a
has kind forall k. k -> Type
, which is exactly what we are looking for.
This means that Symm' a
is a suitable type context to instantiate c
with, as
evidenced by the fact that this typechecks:
symm :: forall a b. (a :== b) -> (b :== a)
symm aEqualsB = unsymm' (hsubst aEqualsB @(Symm' a) (Symm' refl))
While this works, it’s slightly unsatisfying that we had to duplicate the entire
definition of Symm
just to give it a slightly different kind. An alternative
to this approach is to still use Symm
, but to define a general-purpose way to
rearrange the order of forall
s in a kind. Like with many problems we’ve
encountered up to this point, the solution is to define another newtype:
type Push :: (forall j k. j -> k -> Type)
-> forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
newtype Push p a b = Push { unpush :: p a b }
is a peculiar newtype that swizzles around the order of kind variables,
converting something that quantifies all of its kind variables upfront to
something that quantifies one of its kind variables in a nested fashion. Or,
to put it another way: Push p @j a @k b
is a thin wrapper around
p @j @k a b
The p
can be instantiated with many different type constructors, and in our
case, we will instantiate it with Symm
. Note that Push Symm
has kind
forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
, making Push Symm
essentially identical
to Symm'
. Here is how to implement symm
using Push Symm
symm :: forall a b. (a :== b) -> (b :== a)
symm aEqualsB =
unsymm (unpush (hsubst aEqualsB @(Push Symm a) (Push (Symm refl))))
Personally, I prefer this way of implementing symm
, even if it is a bit more
verbose. Defining Push
will ultimately save us some typing in the long run,
as it will prevent us from having to re-define several existing data types to
give them different kinds. This won’t be the last time we use Push
To round out the proof that (:==)
is an equivalence relation, let’s prove
transitivity. Once again, I’ll naïvely port over the implementation of trans
for homogeneous Leibniz equality:
trans :: forall a b c. (a :== b) -> (b :== c) -> (a :== c)
trans aEqualsB bEqualsC = hsubst bEqualsC @((:==) a) aEqualsB
We run into similar troubles here as we did with symm
, however, since
the context ((:==) a)
also doesn’t have the right kind:
• Expected kind ‘forall i. i -> Type’,
but ‘(:==) a’ has kind ‘k0 -> Type’
• In the type ‘((:==) a)’
In the expression: hsubst bEqualsC @((:==) a) aEqualsB
In an equation for ‘trans’:
trans aEqualsB bEqualsC = hsubst bEqualsC @((:==) a) aEqualsB
Like Symm
, (:==)
has kind forall j k. j -> k -> Type
, so
((:==) a
is shorthand for ((:==) @j @k0 a)
. As a result, it also
has kind k0 -> Type
In order to repair this, we are again presented with two options. The first option
is to redefine (:==)
with the kind forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
use that instead. I, for one, am feeling lazy, so I’m going to pick the second
option: use Push (:==)
instead. The very same Push
data type we defined
earlier works just as well in this situation:
trans :: forall a b c. (a :== b) -> (b :== c) -> (a :== c)
trans aEqualsB bEqualsC =
unpush (hsubst bEqualsC @(Push (:==) a) (Push aEqualsB))
Converting from and to homogeneous equality
In part 1 of this blog series, I went from demonstrating (:=)
is an
equivalence relation directly to showing how to implement castWith
, the
type-safe cast function. In this part, however, I’m going to do things in
a slightly different order. Before getting to castWith
, I’ll show to
convert from a := b
to a :== b
and vice versa. This will reveal some
important insights that will be needed to implement castWith
Both (:=)
and (:==)
are forms of equality, and as you might expect, you can
convert from one representation to the other. Converting from homogeneous
to heterogeneous equality proves very straightforward:
fromHomogeneous :: forall a b. (a := b) -> (a :== b)
fromHomogeneous aEqualsB = subst aEqualsB @((:==) a) refl
What about the opposite direction? If we try to convert from heterogeneous to homogeneous equality, we might first try this:
toHomogeneous :: forall a b. (a :== b) -> (a := b)
toHomogeneous aEqualsB = hsubst aEqualsB @((:=) a) reflHomogeneous
Here, reflHomogeneous
is the same function as
from part 1, but I’m giving it a different name here to avoid
confusion with the
heterogeneous version of refl
When implementing toHomogeneous
, we pick ((:=) a
as the context to substitute into. This doesn’t
quite work, however:
• Expected kind ‘forall i. i -> Type’,
but ‘(:=) a’ has kind ‘k -> Type’
• In the type ‘((:=) a)’
In the expression: hsubst aEqualsB @((:=) a) reflHomogeneous
Our plans have once again been foiled by the need for a higher-rank kind.
Recall that (:=) :: forall k. k -> k -> Type
, and since ((:=) a)
shorthand for ((:=) @k a)
, the whole thing has kind k -> Type
, not
forall k. k -> Type
. What’s more, our usual tricks for massaging the order
of forall
s in kinds won’t work here. The defining characteristic of
homogeneous equality is that the kinds of the arguments must be the same.
If we tried using something of kind forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
instead, it wouldn’t be homogeneous anymore.
There’s a tension here. The c
in the type of hsubst
have a higher-rank kind. As a consequence, when picking a type to instantiate c
the last type argument must have a distinct kind from
other type arguments. This clashes with the need to use ((:=) a)
as a type
context, since the last type argument to (:=)
must have the same kind as a
How can we resolve this conflict?
As it turns out, we’ve already seen an example of this sort of conflict in part
1, although it looked somewhat different there. When
implementing the injLeibniz
in part 1, we needed to use an argument of type f a := f b
to substitute into
something of type a := b
. At first glance, this seemed impossible, but it
turns out that type families grant just enough extra power to make this
possible. We can define a newtype where the last type argument is f a
, but
after unwrapping the newtype, the f a
turns into an a
by way of type family
What does this have to do with implementing toHomogeneous
? Both injLeibniz
and toHomogeneous
are examples of “shape mismatches”. In injLeibniz
, there
was a mismatch between f a
and a
. In toHomogeneous
, the
shapes being mismatched are at the kind level. hsubst
expects a kind with a
higher-rank shape, but the shape of (:=)
’s kind doesn’t match.
Just as with injLeibniz
, the solution to the shape mismatch in toHomogeneous
is to use an auxiliary type family. Let’s figure out what the outline of this
type family will be by sketching out the newtype it will be used in. Here is a
first attempt:
type AuxNewtype :: forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
newtype AuxNewtype (a :: j) (b :: k) =
AuxNewtype { unAuxNewtype :: a := b }
has the right kind to be used in hsubst
, but the field of type
a := b
doesn’t kind-check:
• Expected kind ‘j’, but ‘b’ has kind ‘k’
• In the second argument of ‘(:=)’, namely ‘b’
In the type ‘a := b’
In the definition of data constructor ‘AuxNewtype’
It is true that in general, a
and b
have different kinds, so we can’t simply
write a := b
. However, this is a bit of a special circumstance. In the type of
, the kinds of a
and b
must be the same. In other words, if
you wrote out the type of toHomogeneous
with explicit kinds, you’d get:
toHomogeneous :: forall j (a :: j) (b :: j). (a :== b) -> (a := b)
Since we are planning to only use AuxNewtype
in the implementation of toHomogeneous
the kinds of a
and b
will be the same in AuxNewtype
in practice.
We can take advantage of this information and define a type family
, which is intended to be used in AuxNewtype
like so:
type AuxNewtype :: forall j. j -> forall k. k -> Type
newtype AuxNewtype (a :: j) (b :: k) =
AuxNewtype { unAuxNewtype :: a := AtKind j b }
The idea is that AtKind j b
returns kind j
, and AtKind j b
will reduce to b
only if
actually has kind j
. The use of AtKind
avoids the kind
error we saw above, since both arguments to (:=)
are now of kind j
. Moreover,
since we are planning to use AuxNewtype
in a context where a
and b
are both
of kind j
, we can be sure that AtKind j b
will reduce to b
Therefore, AuxNewtype a b
will turn into a := b
once the newtype constructor
is removed.
Now that I’ve hyped up AtKind
, let’s actually define it:
type AtKind :: forall j -> forall k. k -> j
type family AtKind j (b :: k) where
AtKind j (b :: j) = b
This is a pretty remarkable type family, so let’s look at the definition of AtKind
First, let’s look at the kind forall j -> forall k. k -> j
. The forall j -> ... -> j
part indicates that whatever we use as the first argument will also be the return kind [2].
To list some examples, AtKind Type b
will return something of kind Type
, AtKind (Type -> Type) b
return something of kind Type -> Type
, and so on.
The other remarkable thing about AtKind
is the equation AtKind j (b :: j) = b
Because the forall k. k
in AtKind
’s kind signature, the kind of b
allowed to be different from j
. However, AtKind j b
will only reduce if
actually does have kind j
, since the equation requires it. As a result,
AtKind Type Bool
will reduce to Bool
, but AtKind Type Maybe
will not
reduce, since Maybe
does not have kind Type
. The ability to equate kinds
in type family equations is another thing that was introduced in GHC 8.0.
That was a lot of build-up just for one type family! But it needed build-up for
a reason, since AtKind
is the linchpin that holds everything together.
Once we have AtKind
and define AuxNewtype
top of it, the definition of toHomogeneous
falls out with relative ease:
toHomogeneous :: forall j (a :: j) (b :: j). (a :== b) -> (a := b)
toHomogeneous aEqualsB =
unAuxNewtype (hsubst aEqualsB @(AuxNewtype a)
(AuxNewtype reflHomogeneous))
To recap, this works because we use the argument of type a :== b
convert something of type AuxNewtype a a
to AuxNewtype a b
, where
AuxNewtype a :: forall k. k -> Type
. Removing one layer of newtypes,
we see that we are really going from type a := AtKind j a
to a := AtKind j b
. Because
and b
both have kind j
, the applications of AtKind j
will reduce in both cases.
That is to say, really have newtypes around a := a
and a := b
, and latter
is just the thing we need.
Aside: the K axiom
The fact that we successfully defined toHomogeneous
is a minor miracle. In
some other programming languages, it is impossible to impossible to define
at all. In Coq, for instance,
their version of toHomogeneous
must be assumed as an axiom. This axiom is
equivalent to several other similar axioms
as well, including the famous K axiom.
For the sake of brevity, I’ll collectively refer to all such axioms under the
umbrella term “K”.
One might wonder why GHC programmers can define toHomogeneous
, which implies
K, but Coq programmers must instead assume K as an axiom. The primary reason is that
Coq is meant to be consistent as a logic—that is to say, one shouldn’t be able to
write a Coq program that proves something false. GHC, however, is
not meant to be consistent as a logic,
so the fact that one can use the K axiom in GHC isn’t breaking new ground [3].
While the K axiom doesn’t imply falsity on its own, it does become inconsistent when combined with the univalence axiom, a different axiom which is used in homotopy type theory. The full details are beyond the scope of this post (and probably beyond my ability to explain), so if you are interested, I invite you to read the paper Pattern Matching Without K, which discusses the subtleties at length.
Why am I bringing up the K axiom in this post? There are some interesting parallels to draw between the
functions we defined earlier which require type families and the functions
which require the K axiom in other programming languages. Note that none of refl
, or trans
require type families to define, and indeed, one could define
these functions in Coq without ever needing the K axiom. On the other hand,
does require a type family, and coincidentally enough,
one cannot define toHomogeneous
in Coq without reaching for the K axiom.
I am not a type theorist (far from it, actually), so I’ll let more knowledgeable
people make the final call on whether there really is a connection to the K axiom here or not.
I do feel confident in pointing out that there is a pattern, however. Functions
which require using hsubst
on an equality type where both of the arguments have
the same kind tend to require the use of type families. toHomogeneous
meets this
requirement, whereas refl
, symm
, and trans
do not. symm
and trans
use hsubst
on (:==)
with differently kinded arguments, and refl
use hsubst
at all.
Type-safe cast
It’s time to return to an old friend, the castWith
function. The heterogeneous version of castWith
proves harder to
tame than the homogeneous version, however. As you’ve probably guessed by this point,
naïvely porting over the homogeneous version of castWith
isn’t going to work:
type Identity :: Type -> Type
newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
castWith :: (a :== b) -> a -> b
castWith aEqualsB x =
runIdentity (hsubst aEqualsB @Identity (Identity x))
The kind of Identity
is not polymorphic enough for hsubst
’s needs:
• Expected kind ‘forall i. i -> Type’,
but ‘Identity’ has kind ‘Type -> Type’
• In the type ‘Identity’
In the first argument of ‘runIdentity’, namely
‘(hsubst aEqualsB @Identity (Identity x))’
In the expression:
runIdentity (hsubst aEqualsB @Identity (Identity x))
Simply changing the kind of Identity
to forall i. i -> Type
won’t work
either, since its field really must be of kind Type
. If this is starting
to sound familiar, it’s because this is basically the same conundrum we
encountered when implementing toHomogeneous
. Once again, the kinds of both
arguments to (:==)
must be the same. In particular, they must both be of
kind Type
castWith :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). (a :== b) -> a -> b
Fortunately, our previous solution of using AtKind
works just as well here.
Using AtKind
, we can invent a different form of Identity
with the
appropriate kind:
type PolyIdentity :: forall i. i -> Type
newtype PolyIdentity a =
PolyIdentity { runPolyIdentity :: AtKind Type a }
Replacing Identity
with PolyIdentity
in the implementation of
makes everything work:
castWith :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). (a :== b) -> a -> b
castWith aEqualsB x =
runPolyIdentity (hsubst aEqualsB @PolyIdentity (PolyIdentity x))
Alternatively, if you’re lazy like me and don’t want to define another
newtype, you can also implement castWith
in terms of toHomogeneous
castWith :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). (a :== b) -> a -> b
castWith aEqualsB x =
castWithHomogeneous (toHomogeneous aEqualsB) x
Here, castWithHomogeneous
is the same function as
the homogeneous castWith
from part 1,
but with a different name to avoid confusion.
Parting thoughts
I’ve demonstrated all of the tips and tricks you’ll need to effectively define and use heterogeneous Leibniz equality. As exercises, see if you can define heterogeneous versions of the following:
- Functions to convert from propositional to Leibniz equality, as well as the
opposite direction. Hint: You’ll likely want to use
for the opposite direction. - Functions which show that Leibniz equality is generative and injective.
For inspiration, see
from part 1. - An instance of the
class for(:==)
A pre-packaged form of (:==)
and friends is available in the
package on Hackage, under the
module. Note that this module contains spoilers for the exercises above!
Another common term for heterogeneous equality in other programming languages is “John Major equality”, such as in Coq’s
type. The term “John Major equality” is a joke about UK politics, which is explained in section 5.1.3 of Conor McBride’s thesis. ↩ -
For more on what the
forall (l :: [a]) -> ...
quantifier means, refer to my blog post on visible dependent quantification. ↩ ↩2 -
After all, there are plenty of ways to define things of type
in Haskell without needing to reach for fancy things like the K axiom. ↩