The surprising rigidness of higher-rank kinds
Higher-rank types are a very widely used feature in GHC.
The RankNTypes
language extension, which enables the use of higher-rank
types, has been around since GHC 6.8.1 (released in November 2007), and
by one metric, RankNTypes
is the 15th most popular language extension in
use today [1].
Not only can higher-rank polymorphism be used at the type level, but starting with GHC 8.0, one can even use it at the kind level. Despite the widespread use of higher-rank types, however, it is surprisingly difficult to find uses of higher-rank kinds in the wild. I was able to count on one hand the number of unique Haskell projects on GitHub that made use of at least one higher-rank kind somewhere in its code.
One explanation for higher-rank kinds’ lack of adoption is the fact that they’re
simply quite new, having only been available since 8.0. I don’t think this tells
the full story, however, since extensions like DerivingVia
are much more commonly used [2],
and they’ve only been available since 8.6! I think there’s an additional compounding
factor at play here: namely, higher-rank kinds are more rigid
than higher-rank types are, and this makes them trickier to use.
In this post, I will explore this claim in further detail and try to shed some
light on what I believe to be a feature of GHC that has languished in obscurity.
A brief introduction to higher-rank kinds
Before I get too deep into the weeds, I want to quickly recap what higher-rank kinds are. (If you already know what a higher-rank kind is, feel free to skip to this section.)
First, let’s start with higher-rank types.
A higher-rank type is one that has a forall
appearing within a function’s
argument type. One example of a function with a higher-rank type
is foo
foo :: (forall a. a -> Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)
foo f = (f 1, f 'a')
Within the definition of foo
, the a
in forall a. a -> Bool
can be
instantiated with any type whatsoever. This is precisely what allows us to
invoke f
on both 1
and 'a'
, even though they have completely different
types. The flip side is that when calling foo
, we must supply it an argument
that is polymorphic in a
. We wouldn’t be allowed to use
foo not
, for instance, since not
is of type Bool -> Bool
, not
forall a. a -> Bool
. On the other hand, invocations like foo (const True)
or foo (const False)
are permissible, since the expressions const True
and const False
are sufficiently polymorphic.
With the introduction of GHC 8.0, the type and kind parsers were combined. One consequence of this change is that it now becomes possible to use higher-rank polymorphism in kinds. Here is one example of a data type with a higher-rank kind:
data Foo :: (forall a. a -> Type) -> Type where
MkFoo :: forall (f :: forall a. a -> Type).
f Int -> f Maybe -> Foo f
Note that f
is applied to both Int
and Maybe
, even though their kinds are
completely different. Just like when using the term-level foo
, in order to use the
data type Foo
we must pass it an argument type whose kind is sufficiently polymorphic.
We could use Foo Proxy
, for instance, since Proxy :: forall a. a -> Type
but Foo Maybe
would be forbidden.
Types and kinds: (almost) one and the same
The GHC users’ guide makes a very bold claim in its Overview of Type-in-Type section:
GHC 8 extends the idea of kind polymorphism by declaring that types and kinds are indeed one and the same. Nothing within GHC distinguishes between types and kinds.
While this statement is generally true, there are a handful of places where GHC does in fact distinguish between types and kinds. One of the places where type-kind differences leak through can be found in GHC’s treatment of higher-rank types versus higher-rank kinds. To see how this works, let us first consider the following example of higher-rank types at work:
ex1 :: (forall a b. a -> b -> Bool) -> Bool
ex1 f = f 1 'a'
giveMeTrue :: forall a b. a -> b -> Bool
giveMeTrue _ _ = True
true :: Bool
true = ex1 giveMeTrue
Nothing about these definitions is particularly exciting—it’s just a rather
indirect way of computing True
. What is worth noting is that there is another
way to write the type of ex1
The first argument to ex1
uses forall a b. <...>
, but we could just as well
quantify the b
before the a
ex2 :: (forall b a. a -> b -> Bool) -> Bool
ex2 f = f 1 'a'
Aside from the order of type variables in the forall
, the type of ex2
basically the same as the type of ex1
. In fact, one can swap out the use of ex1
for ex2
in true
true :: Bool
true = ex2 giveMeTrue
After this swap-out, true
will still type-check. Nice!
Let’s conduct a similar experiment, but this time using higher-rank kinds. First,
we need a counterpart for ex1
. Let’s use this data type with a higher-rank kind:
data Ex1 :: (forall a b. a -> b -> Type) -> Type where
MkEx1 :: forall (f :: forall a b. a -> b -> Type).
f Int Maybe -> Ex1 f
Next, we’ll need to pick a type that has inhabits the kind
forall a b. a -> b -> Type
. A favorite example of mine is the following
data type [3]:
data Equal :: forall a b. a -> b -> Type where
Refl :: Equal t t
With these two types and hand, we can combine them like so:
type ExEqual = Ex1 Equal
Sure enough, that kind-checks. So far, so good.
is the rough analog of true
in our previous experiment, since it
demonstrates an application of something with a higher-rank kind to an argument.
If we want to complete our current experiment, however, there is one more step
we must perform.
We need to conjure up an analog for ex2
, which quantifies the type variables
and b
the other way around.
Just as ex2
was a slight
modification of ex1
, so too can we slightly tweak Ex1
to produce our desired
data Ex2 :: (forall b a. a -> b -> Type) -> Type where
MkEx2 :: forall (f :: forall b a. a -> b -> Type).
f Int Maybe -> Ex2 f
Again the only difference between Ex1
and Ex2
is that the latter uses
forall b a. a -> b -> Type
, in contrast to the former’s
forall a b. a -> b -> Type
. Now, we can wrap up by swapping out
for Ex1
in ExEqual
type ExEqual = Ex2 Equal
…or so we thought. At this point, something goes horribly wrong, since GHC
complains that ExEqual
no longer kind-checks:
• Expected kind ‘forall b a. a -> b -> Type’,
but ‘Equal’ has kind ‘forall a b. a -> b -> Type’
• In the first argument of ‘Ex2’, namely ‘Equal’
In the type ‘Ex2 Equal’
In the type declaration for ‘ExEqual’
: more than meets the eye
Why were we able to use ex1
and ex2
interchangeably but not use
and Ex2
interchangeably? The answer ultimately lies in how GHC
typechecks things with forall
s in their types (or kinds). As it turns
out, GHC spends a surprising amount of effort to make types with forall
work smoothly, and this can be difficult to appreciate without seeing
an example or two of this work being done.
s in Core
Earlier, I waved my hands and claimed that forall a b. a -> b -> Bool
forall b a. a -> b -> Bool
were basically the same type. When
talking about source Haskell, this is a reasonable approximation. When
GHC compiles Haskell code, however, it turns it into a typed intermediate
language called Core. At the level of Core, these two types are very much
distinct entities. How, then, can GHC so effectively blur the distinction
between these types at the source level?
To answer this question, let’s revisit the definition of true
true :: Bool
true = ex1 giveMeTrue
is nice because its definition in source Haskell is almost exactly the
same as its corresponding definition in Core. We can see for ourselves what true
looks like in Core by compiling it with the -ddump-simpl
flag so that GHC prints
out all compiled Core. We will also enable a handful of other flags to make this
slightly easier to read:
: This disables inlining (otherwise, GHC would simplifyex1 giveMeTrue
: This avoids printing out the unique identifier for each variable in Core so that we get things likef
instead off_a1vT
.-dsuppress-module-prefixes -dsuppress-idinfo
: This prevents-ddump-simpl
from printing out extra debugging information that we don’t care about for the purposes of this post.
With this combination of flags, we get the following:
$ ghc Foo.hs -ddump-simpl -fmax-simplifier-iterations=0 -dsuppress-uniques -dsuppress-module-prefixes -dsuppress-idinfo
[1 of 1] Compiling Foo ( Foo.hs, Foo.o )
==================== Tidy Core ====================
Result size of Tidy Core
= {terms: 97, types: 109, coercions: 2, joins: 0/0}
-- RHS size: {terms: 5, types: 9, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
ex1 :: (forall a b. a -> b -> Bool) -> Bool
= \ (f :: forall a b. a -> b -> Bool) ->
f @ Integer @ Char 1 (C# 'a'#)
-- RHS size: {terms: 5, types: 6, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
giveMeTrue :: forall a b. a -> b -> Bool
giveMeTrue = \ (@ a) (@ b) _ _ -> True
-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
true :: Bool
true = ex1 giveMeTrue
Just like I claimed earlier, we have exactly true = ex1 giveMeTrue
. There
are some other things worthy of attention as well. For instance, notice how types are
explicitly applied as arguments using the @ Ty
syntax (e.g., f @ Integer @ Char
in ex1
which is reminiscient of GHC’s
Also notice how type variables are explicitly abstracted using the
lambda-esque \(@ v) -> ...
syntax (e.g., \ (@ a) (@ b) _ _ -> True
in giveMeTrue
GHC does not have any kind of syntax like this [4], so this is one of the the
more unusual things to get used to when reading Core. Just as \x -> ...
is used
to construct a something with a function type, \ (@ v) -> ...
is used to construct
something with a forall
type. If you see a forall
in the type signature of a Core
definition, there’s a good chance you’ll see a \ (@ v) -> ...
in its implementation
(see giveMeTrue
, for instance).
Although GHC did not do so above, we could implement true
in Core
using explicit type variable abstractions if we wanted to:
true = ex1 (\ (@ a) (@ b) (x :: a) (y :: b) -> giveMeTrue @ a @ b x y)
This is equivalent to ex1 giveMeTrue
, but with the giveMeTrue
subexpression eta-expanded.
Swizzling forall
Now let’s go back and take a closer look at ex2
, which uses a slightly
different order of forall
ex2 :: (forall b a. a -> b -> Bool) -> Bool
As I mentioned earlier, this type is not the same as ex1
’s type in Core.
Despite this, GHC has no problem typechecking true = ex2 giveMeTrue
in source
Haskell. To see how GHC pulls this off, let’s examine what ex2 giveMeTrue
looks like in Core with -ddump-simpl
-- RHS size: {terms: 4, types: 6, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
true :: Bool
true = ex2 (\ (@ b) (@ a) -> giveMeTrue @ a @ b)
Interestingly, GHC does not produce true = ex2 giveMeTrue
in Core this time
around. Instead, it uses a lambda abstraction to rearrange the type
variable arguments from the order that ex2
forall b a. <...>
\ (@ b) (@ a) ->
To the order that giveMeTrue
forall a b. <...>
giveMeTrue @ a @ b
This process of swizzling variables around is accomplished in a part of
type inference called regeneralization. GHC does quite a bit of regeneralization
behind the scenes to take care of tiny impedance mismatches, such as differently
ordered forall
s, so that the programmer does not have to.
Can kinds regeneralize?
We have now seen how ex2 giveMeTrue
typechecks, thanks to the power of
regeneralization. Can the same trick be used at the kind level? Let’s look
once more at ExEqual
type ExEqual = Ex2 Equal
As before, there is no hope of compiling this to Core without at least some amount of
behind-the-scenes rearranging, since the order of forall
s in the kinds of Ex2
do not line up. What we would need is a hypothetical type-level
lambda syntax, which I’ll invent some notation for:
type ExEqual = Ex2 (/\ (@ b) (@ a) -> Equal @ a @ b)
If you’re wondering why I’m using words like “hypothetical” and “invent”, that’s
because there is no such thing as /\ (@ b) -> ...
, neither in the source language nor in Core.
Nor could GHC easily support it, since
adding a type-level lambda could potentially threaten the soundness of type
inference [5]. The full details are beyond the scope of this post—see my other post
On the arity of type families
(in particular,
this section)
for more on this topic.
Because there are no type-level lambdas, GHC lacks the ability to regeneralize at the
kind level. This is what I mean when I say that higher-rank kinds are rigid: due to the
lack of kind-level regeneralization, higher-rank kinds must be instantiated in exactly
the order that their forall
s prescribe. This rigidness is exactly the reason why
Ex2 Equal
fails to kind-check.
Is there hope for more flexibility?
To be honest, the lack of regeneralization at the kind level is kind of a bummer. It means that types and kinds aren’t quite on the same playing field in terms of expressiveness. This difference is surprising enough that people have filed GHC issues claiming that this is a bug (here, for instance), only to be told that GHC is working as expected.
To work around the lack of regeneralization, one often has to jump through some hoops in order
to make the kinds align in just the right way. For instance, we saw earlier that Ex2 Equal
won’t kind-check, since it would be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
It is possible to create another version of Equal
that does fit into a round hole, however:
data Equal' :: forall b a. a -> b -> Type where
Refl' :: Equal' t t
Now type ExEqual = Ex2 Equal'
kind-checks. This is rather laborious, however—we had to
duplicate the entire definition of Equal
just so that we could change its kind
slightly. Surely there ought to be a way to decrease the amount of hoop-jumping necessary?
As luck would have it, if you have a kind of the form ... -> Type
(which is often the case),
then there is a trick to make it somewhat easier to massage its arguments into a different order.
The trick is actually one of the oldest in the book—newtypes! In particular, we can create a
general-purpose newtype that rearranges the order of forall
s, like so:
newtype Push :: (forall a b. a -> b -> Type)
-> forall b a. a -> b -> Type where
MkPush :: forall (f :: forall a b. a -> b -> Type)
a b (x :: a) (y :: b).
f x y -> Push f x y
can be thought of as something which takes as input a type of kind
forall a b. a -> b -> Type
, and produces as output a type of kind
forall b a. a -> b -> Type
. This is made possible by the fact that newtypes
can order kind variables however they please, just like data types can. This
trick might be more plain to see if we define MkPush
using GHC’s
visible kind application
syntax, which is available in GHC 8.8 or later:
newtype Push :: (forall a b. a -> b -> Type)
-> forall b a. a -> b -> Type where
MkPush :: forall (f :: forall a b. a -> b -> Type)
a b (x :: a) (y :: b).
f @a @b x y -> Push f @b @a x y
With Push
, we can give ExEqual
a shove in the right direction:
type ExEqual = Ex2 (Push Equal)
This kind-checks, and it has the distinct advantage that we did not have to make
a copy of Equal
just to do so. Moreover, we can use this approach for any type
of kind forall a b. a -> b -> Type
. The downside is that you’ll have to deal with the
newtype mixing up with your other types, but fortunately, GHC has plenty of
to deal with unwrapping newtypes these days.
I’ve actually used a variant of this Push
newtype (as well as other similar newtypes) in the
module that I contributed to Edward Kmett’s
package. The process of writing the code
in that module is what inspired me to write this post, in fact. The code in that
module would not have been possible to write without higher-rank kinds, but using them
does require some amount of thought to figure out how to massage the kinds
(using Push
or otherwise) to make them do what you want.
According to Anish Tondwalkar’s blog post Popularity of Haskell Extensions. ↩
This is judging by the sheer number of GitHub results one gets when searching for
. ↩ -
This is essentially the same thing as
, but redefined using GADT syntax to make its kind more obvious. ↩ -
At least, not currently. There is an accepted GHC proposal to add the ability to bind type variables in lambdas, however, which would add syntax quite similar to the one used in Core. ↩
It might be possible to add type-level lambdas to GHC by giving them unmatchable kinds, distinct from the usual matchable kinds. See the paper Higher-order Type-level Programming in Haskell, which describes the matchable-unmatchable distinction in more detail. ↩