WARNING: This blog post describes an old GHC feature that no longer exists in recent versions of the compiler. See GHC Proposal #547, which lists the reasons for this feature’s removal. This post is now only of interest for historical reasons.

In GHC, many language features available at the term level can be straightforwardly promoted to the type level. For example, the following term-level function:

id :: a -> a
id x = x

Can also be defined at the type level with only minor syntactic changes [1]:

type Id :: a -> a
type Id x = x

There are still some GHC features that cannot yet be promoted, however. This includes constraints, such as the class constraint Eq a. If you try to add a constraint to the kind of a type-level definition, such as in the example below:

type EqId :: Eq a => a -> a
type EqId x = x

Then GHC will balk:

    • Illegal constraint in a kind: forall a. Eq a => a -> a
    • In a standalone kind signature for ‘EqId’: Eq a => a -> a
  | type EqId :: Eq a => a -> a
  |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

But as it turns out, there is one exception to this rule: equality constraints. GHC has a special case which permits kind-level equality constraints, as evidenced by the fact that this typechecks:

type BoolId :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> a
type BoolId x = x

In this post, we will investigate why this special case exists and explore the things one can do with it.

A recap of equality constraints

In GHC, an equality constraint of the form t1 ~ t2 informs the constraint solver that t1 must be the same type as t2. A basic usage of equality constraints can be seen in this example:

boolId1 :: Bool -> Bool
boolId1 x = x

boolId2 :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> a
boolId2 x = x

Although boolId1 and boolId2 technically have different type signatures, in practice these functions are virtually identical. This is because boolId2’s equality constraint a ~ Bool means that the only valid way to instantiate a is with Bool. If you try to invoke boolId2 LT, for instance, you will get essentially the same error as if you invoked boolId1 LT:

    • Couldn't match type ‘Ordering’ with ‘Bool’
        arising from a use of ‘boolId2’
    • In the expression: boolId2 LT

There are various situations where one might reach for equality constraints in their GHC toolbox. When defining class instances, for example, using equality constraints in the instance context can improve type inference. Equality constraints are also sometimes needed when defining default implementations for class methods, as explained in this section of the GHC User’s Guide.

Equality constraints in kinds… well, sort of

To a first approximation, GHC permits equality constraints in the kinds of types, just as it allows equality constraints in the types of terms. For example, GHC will accept both of these definitions:

type BoolId1 :: Bool -> Bool
type BoolId1 x = x

type BoolId2 :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> a
type BoolId2 x = x

If you have an equality constraint in a kind of a type, then any use site of that type must obey the equality. For example, suppose you were to try to do this:

type U = BoolId2 LT

As you might expect, this will produce an error message. This time, the error indicates a kind mismatch:

    • Expected kind ‘Bool’, but ‘LT’ has kind ‘Ordering’
    • In the first argument of ‘BoolId2’, namely ‘LT’
      In the type ‘BoolId2 LT’
      In the type declaration for ‘U’

In this sense, equalities in the kinds of types behave much like equalities in the types of terms. I’m refraining from saying that they behave identically, however, because there are some subtle differences. Equalities in the types of terms, for instance, permit writing definitions like this one:

boolId3 :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> Bool
boolId3 x = x

Unlike boolId1 and boolId2 above, in the type of boolId3, the argument type, a, is technically different from the result type, Bool. This difference doesn’t matter so much when typechecking boolId3, however, as the constraint solver knows that a should be equal to Bool. As a result, it’s OK to use something of type a in a place where Bool is expected, and vice versa.

Unfortunately, this intuition does not carry over to equalities in the kinds of types. If you were to write the type-level version of boolId3:

type BoolId3 :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> Bool
type BoolId3 x = x

Then this will not kind-check:

    • Expected kind ‘Bool’, but ‘x’ has kind ‘a’
    • In the type ‘x’
      In the type declaration for ‘BoolId3’

I found this difference to be pretty surprising when I first encountered it. Why don’t our intuitions about equalities apply here? There is a short answer and a long answer. (If you’d like, you can skip the long answer and proceed to the rest of the post by clicking here.)

The short explanation

GHC’s type system is simply not powerful enough at the moment to solve for equalities at the kind level. In order to make BoolId3 above kind-check, GHC would need some form of type-level case that could decompose kind equalities. Type-level case doesn’t exist at the moment, however. We can get close, as we will see later, but for now the full power of case is out of reach at the type level.

The long explanation

The difference between GHC accepting boolId3 and rejecting BoolId3 lies in the capabilities of an intermediate language that GHC uses during compilation. This intermediate language, called Core, differs from source Haskell in several aspects. One difference is that there is basically no distinction between data types and constraints. When compiling from source Haskell to Core, GHC converts constraints into dictionary data types. For instance, consider the Bounded type class:

class Bounded a where
  minBound :: a
  maxBound :: a

When compiled to Core, the Bounded class would become the following dictionary type:

data Bounded a = C:Bounded a a

minBound :: forall a. Bounded a -> a
minBound = \ (@a) ($dBounded :: Bounded a) ->
           case $dBounded of v { C:Bounded x y -> x }

maxBound :: forall a. Bounded a -> a
maxBound = \ (@a) ($dBounded :: Bounded a) ->
           case $dBounded of v { C:Bounded x y -> y }

Note that Bounded’s methods have now effectively become field selectors in Core. When GHC compiles an application of a class method, it desugars the method to a selector applied to the appropriate dictionary value. This is best explained by example, so let’s see how GHC takes this source Haskell program:

minAndMax :: Bounded a => (a, a)
minAndMax = (minBound, maxBound)

And compiles it to Core:

minAndMax :: forall a. Bounded a -> (a, a)
  = \ (@a) ($dBounded :: Bounded a) ->
      (minBound @a $dBounded, maxBound @a $dBounded)

Here, the Core version of minAndMax explicitly binds $dBounded, a dictionary value of type Bounded a. Moreover, minAndMax selects the appropriate fields from $dBounded using minBound and maxBound.

GHC also uses the dictionary-desugaring approach when compiling equality constraints to Core. In broad strokes, here is what an a ~ b constraint looks like as a dictionary type:

data (a :: k) ~ (b :: k) = Eq# (a ~# b)

eq_sel :: forall k (a :: k) (b :: k). a ~ b -> a ~# b
eq_sel = \ (@k) (@a :: k) (@b :: k) ($d~ :: a ~ b) ->
         case $d~ of v { Eq# co -> co }

In Core, a ~ b is a data type which contains a ~# b, an unlifted equality. The exact details of how unlifted equalities work are beyond the scope of this post. For our purposes, it suffices to know that unlifted equalities are special values that GHC’s constraint solver makes use of to determine when a value of one type can be safely cast to a value of a different type. Again, this is best explained by example. Let’s see where the rubber hits the road in the boolId3 function from before:

boolId3 :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> Bool
boolId3 x = x

Here is the same function in Core:

boolId3 :: forall a. (a ~ Bool) -> a -> Bool
  = \ (@a) ($d~ :: a ~ Bool) ->
      case eq_sel @Type @a @Bool $d~ of co { __DEFAULT ->
      \ (x :: a) -> x `cast` (Sub co :: a ~R# Bool)

As the Core reveals, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes in this seemingly small function! Here is a rundown of what is going on:

  • First, boolId3 extracts the payload of the $d~ dictionary value, an unlifted equality, using the eq_sel selector.
  • Next, it cases on this unlifted equality to make sure it is evaluated strictly [2]. This unlifted equality is bound to the name co.
  • Finally, co is used as part of a cast expression which turns x from type a to type Bool.

Key to making all this work is case. Without case, we wouldn’t have been able to define eq_sel or boolId3. In today’s Core, however, case is a feature that is exclusively available at the term level. In contrast, Core’s sublanguage of types is rather limited, and there is no general-purpose mechanism for pattern matching on types like what case offers for terms. This is why BoolId{1,2} can be defined at the type level but BoolId3 cannot: the former can be defined without the use of case, while for the latter, case is a requirement.

Why the special treatment, anyway?

Given that kind-level equality constraints are so limited, one might wonder why GHC even allows writing them in the first place. The answer is ultimately explained in this Note in GHC’s source code. The tl;dr version is that as a general rule, GHC tries to make it possible to write GADT constructors using equality constraints. For example, GHC allows writing this:

data T a b where
  MkT :: T a a

It also allows defining MkT in the following way, which is essentially equivalent:

data T a b where
  MkT :: (a ~ b) => T a b

There is one complication with the latter version of MkT, however: the DataKinds extension. If MkT is promoted to a type, then its kind would be (a ~ b) => T a b, which has a kind-level equality constraint. As it turns out, however, one can promote MkT to a type without running into the aforementioned issues with type-level case. To support examples like MkT, GHC’s typechecker carves out a special case for kind-level constraints that look like a ~ b or a ~~ b.

They’re not totally useless

Although kind-level equality constraints exist in GHC mostly due to a corner case in how DataKinds interacts with GADTs, there are a handful of interesting things that can be done with them.

Faking type-level case with type families

As mentioned before, GHC doesn’t have type-level case. But it does have something very close in the form of type families. Ignoring some minor differences in semantics, type families can be thought of as a way to pattern match types at exclusively the top level, such as in this example:

type Not :: Bool -> Bool
type family Not x where
  Not False = True
  Not True  = False

What’s more, type families offer a way to use kind-level equality constraints in a meaningful fashion. Earlier, we failed to promote the boolId3 function to a type synonym, but we can promote it to a type family:

type BoolId3 :: (a ~ Bool) => a -> Bool
type family BoolId3 x where
  BoolId3 x = x

Pretty cool, huh? We should be careful, however, to point out why this works. From a certain perspective, this definition of BoolId3 is partial. This can be seen if you examine the definition in GHCi with some additional flags enabled:

λ> :set -fprint-explicit-kinds -fprint-explicit-coercions
λ> :info BoolId3
type BoolId3 :: forall a.
                ((a :: Type) ~ (Bool :: Type)) =>
                a -> Bool
type family BoolId3 @a @{ev} x where
    BoolId3 @Bool @{'GHC.Types.Eq# @Type @Bool @Bool <Bool>_N} x = x

Once again, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes that isn’t obvious at first glance:

  • BoolId3 matches on @Bool, which means BoolId3 x will only reduce if x has kind Bool. GHC was able to figure this out by way of kind inference, although one could have just as well written this out explicitly as BoolId3 @Bool x = x [3].
  • BoolId3 also matches on @{'Eq# @Type @Bool @Bool <Bool>_N} [4]. Eq# is the data constructor for the (~) dictionary data type, and 'Eq# is the promoted, type-level version. Matching on this type, then, indicates that the (a ~ Bool) kind must be witnessed with a proof that Bool equals Bool.
  • The proof that Bool equals Bool is witnessed by an unlifted equality. GHCi prints this unlifted equality as <Bool>_N.

Somewhat surprisingly, the (a ~ Bool) equality constraint isn’t actually required to define BoolId3 as a type family. In fact, this is a valid alternative definition:

type BoolId4 :: a -> Bool
type family BoolId4 x where
  BoolId4 x = x
  -- Or, to be more explicit:
  BoolId4 @Bool x = x

The advantage of including (a ~ Bool), however, is that it makes it less likely that users will shoot themselves in the foot later. For instance, this definition will kind-check:

type UhOh = BoolId4 LT

This is because LT has kind Ordering, and when BoolId4 fails to match Ordering against Bool, it will simply become stuck. As a result, the type BoolId4 LT will simply never reduce.

BoolId3, on the other hand, does not suffer from this pitfall. If you attempt to write BoolId3 LT, then the typechecker will throw an Expected kind ‘Bool’, but ‘LT’ has kind ‘Ordering’ error. GHC’s constraint solver may be limited in its support for kind-level equality constraints, but luckily, it pulls through for us in this one scenario.

Restricting GADT return types

The only other useful application of kind-level equality constraints that I am aware of involves GADTs. As far as I am aware, this trick originated in this section of the GHC User’s Guide, which demonstrates how to restrict the types that one can use in a GADT constructor’s return type. Here is the example from the User’s Guide:

type IsTypeLit :: a -> Bool
type family IsTypeLit x where
  IsTypeLit Nat    = True
  IsTypeLit Symbol = True
  IsTypeLit x      = False

type T :: (IsTypeLit a ~ True) => a -> Type
data T x where
  MkNat    :: T 42
  MkSymbol :: T "Don't panic!"

Quite cleverly, the IsTypeLit a ~ True constraint in T’s kind limits its data constructors such that they can only use return types T x where x is either of kind Nat or Symbol. I haven’t yet seen this trick used outside of this User’s Guide section, but I could envision some creative Haskellers putting this to good use.

Other uses?

The type family and GADT use cases are, to my knowledge, the only not-totally-contrived situations where one might want to reach for a kind-level equality constraint. But then again, my imagination is somewhat limited. Perhaps you can think of a use case that I’ve overlooked?

  1. Here, the kind of Id is written using the StandaloneKindSignatures language extension. If you are not familiar with StandaloneKindSignatures, you may find my earlier blog post on the topic to be informative. 

  2. Unlike in source Haskell, case expressions in Core are evaluated strictly. Unlifted values cannot be inhabited by , and as a result, they must be evaluated strictly, hence the need for a case in Core. 

  3. In fact, if this GHC proposal is accepted, then explicitly writing out the @Bool part would be required. 

  4. Note the @{...} syntax, which differs from normal type application syntax in that it uses curly braces instead of parentheses. This syntax indicates a visible dictionary application, which is a feature that is currently limited to Core.