Five benefits to using StandaloneKindSignatures
GHC 8.10.1 is slated to be released
and among the improvements that it offers is the
new StandaloneKindSignatures
language extension. Standalone kind
signatures (or “SAKS” for short) are like type signatures, except that they
describe type-level declarations instead of term-level values. Here is one
example of a standalone kind signature that describes the kind of a type
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import Data.Kind
type MyMaybe :: Type -> Type
type MyMaybe a = Maybe a
Besides type synonyms, standalone kind signatures can also accompany data types, type families, and type classes:
type MyEither :: Type -> Type -> Type
data MyEither a b = MyLeft a | MyRight b
type Not :: Bool -> Bool
type family Not x where
Not False = True
Not True = False
type MyShow :: Type -> Constraint
class MyShow a where
myShow :: a -> String
, originally described in
this GHC proposal,
were implemented in GHC thanks to
Vladislav Zavialov’s
To celebrate Vladislav’s work, I will highlight five reasons why
I am excited about StandaloneKindSignatures
and why you should be too.
#1: Kind signatures can be determined at a glance
This may go without saying explicitly, but I think it is worth emphasizing: a standalone kind signature reveals the kind of something with no additional fuss. While it’s certainly possible to figure out the kind of something without a standalone kind signature, it sometimes takes some squinting to do so. For example, look at this type family:
type family Ex (x :: c -> d) (y :: a -> b -> c) (z :: a) (w :: b) :: d where ...
The kind of Ex
is (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
, but this
information is obscured somewhat by a layer of syntactic noise [1]. On the
other hand, if Ex
is written with a standalone kind signature:
type Ex :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
type family Ex x y z w where ...
Then no sleuthing is required at all. The kind of Ex
is now front and center,
just as it was always meant to be. Term-level values have long benefited from
having their type signatures displayed prominently like this, and now
type-level declarations can enjoy the same benefits. In this sense,
makes the language more uniform.
#2: SAKS allow precise control over the order of kind variables
The TypeApplications
language extension, which debuted in GHC 8.0, allows
for more control over how invisible arguments in types are
instantiated, such as the forall a.
part of forall a. a -> a
More recently (as of GHC 8.8), TypeApplications
has extended
to kinds as well. For example, here is a demonstration of visible type
application in a term:
foo :: Bool
foo = id @Bool True
And here is an example of visible kind application that mirrors the previous example:
type Id (x :: a) = x
type Foo = Id @Bool True
Yes, I am aware that I am not practicing what I preach since I am omitting standalone kind signatures in the code above. But I have good reason to do so this one time, since the omission of SAKS is important to demonstrate a problem. Let’s suppose we want to use visible kind applications on a slightly more complicated type synonym:
type Const (x :: a) (y :: b) = x
type Bar = Const True LT
The kind of Const
is forall a b. a -> b -> a
, so if we want to write
out Bar
with visible kind applications, we should do so like this:
type Bar = Const @Bool @Ordering True LT
On the other hand, what if we wanted the opposite order? That is, what if
we wanted the kind of Const
to be forall b a. a -> b -> a
so that we
could write Const @Ordering @Bool
instead of Const @Bool @Ordering
Unfortunately, the syntax for type synonyms does not make this simple to
accomplish, since we must write the binder for (x :: a)
before the
binder for (y :: b)
. This, in turn, means that GHC will always quantify
before b
in the forall
part of the kind, since
GHC orders variables mentioned in kind annotations in left-to-right order.
There are various schemes one could use to creatively work around this issue,
but thanks to StandaloneKindSignatures
, we don’t need to be creative at all.
Instead, we can just give Const
a standalone kind signature with the exact
order of type variables we want:
type Const :: forall b a. a -> b -> a
type Const x y = x
type Bar :: Bool
type Bar = Const @Ordering @Bool True LT
That’s it! No clever scheming required.
Besides this small example, there are other, more advanced scenarios where one may desire finer control over the exact order of variables in a kind. Read this comment for a description of a place where this arises in the context of higher-rank kinds.
#3: SAKS make deriving
more flexible
Up until this point, I have been ignoring the elephant in the room: what about data types? That is, do data types really gain anything by adding standalone kind signatures? For instance, I showed off this example of a data type earlier:
type MyEither :: Type -> Type -> Type
data MyEither a b = MyLeft a | MyRight b
You might reasonably think this example isn’t very interesting, since you don’t
need StandaloneKindSignatures
in order to write out the full kind of MyEither
Alternatively, you can accomplish the same thing by using GADT syntax:
data MyEither :: Type -> Type -> Type where
MyLeft :: a -> MyEither a b
MyRight :: b -> MyEither a b
In light of this, is there any reason to reach for StandaloneKindSignatures
when defining data types (aside from aesthetic preferences)? I claim that the
answer is yes: there are programs you can write with the
style that you cannot write as easily with the GADT
Before I back up this claim, I need to take a brief detour into
. Here is a simple newtype that uses the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
extension to derive several instances:
import Control.Monad.Reader
newtype MyReaderT r m a = MkMyReaderT (ReaderT r m a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader r)
Aside from the usual Functor
trio, there is also a
derived instance of MonadReader r
. This instance is of particular interest
because it mentions the type variable r
that was bound by the newtype header
(i.e., the newtype MyReaderT r m a
part of the newtype).
Remember this r
, since it will play a vital role shortly.
was declared using Haskell98 syntax. What happens if we repeat
this experiment using GADT syntax? Here is one attempt at doing so:
newtype MyReaderT :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type where
MkMyReaderT :: forall r m a. ReaderT r m a -> MyReaderT r m a
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader r)
Sadly, this won’t typecheck. Here is an abridged version of the error message you will get if you try this:
• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘r’
arising from a functional dependency between:
constraint ‘MonadReader r (ReaderT a b)’
arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
• When deriving the instance for (MonadReader r (MyReaderT a b))
Don’t be too intimidated by the mention of functional dependencies, as the cause
of this error is actually quite simple: the r
in MonadReader r
is no longer
bound by the newtype header. Indeed, the r m a
type variable binders in
the Haskell98 version of MyReaderT
have been replaced by the GADT return
kind, which does not bind any type variables at all. As a result, the r
MonadReader r
is a fresh r
, which causes a different (and incorrect)
instance to be derived.
(Note that the r m a
type variables in MkMyReaderT :: forall r m a. <...>
are entirely orthogonal to this discussion, as they only scope over the type of
the MkMyReaderT
constructor and not the deriving
I could have just as well made the
type of MkMyReaderT
be forall r' m' a'. <...>
and obtained the same error.)
One way to work around this issue is to compromise and bind just the r
variable in the newtype header:
newtype MyReaderT r :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type where
MkMyReaderT :: forall r m a. ReaderT r m a -> MyReaderT r m a
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader r)
This typechecks, but it somewhat defeats the point of this exercise, since we
no longer write the entirety of MyReaderT
’s kind in the GADT return kind.
Indeed, there appears to be somewhat of an awkward tension between using GADT
return types and putting classes like MonadReader
in a deriving
Thankfully, this tension is resolved with the advent of
, which offers a cleaner way to write
type MyReaderT :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype MyReaderT r m a = MkMyReaderT (ReaderT r m a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader r)
Alternatively, you can do the same thing with GADT syntax:
type MyReaderT :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype MyReaderT r m a where
MkMyReaderT :: forall r m a. ReaderT r m a -> MyReaderT r m a
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader r)
The StandaloneKindSignatures
approach combines the best of both worlds. We
can write the full kind of MyReaderT
(which was previously
something that could only be done with GADT return kinds) while simultaneously
binding the r
used in the deriving
#4: SAKS make kind inference more predictable
Can you spot the differences between the following two data types?
data D1 :: forall k. k -> Type where
MkD1 :: D1 Int -> D1 a
data D2 :: k -> Type where
MkD2 :: D2 Int -> D2 a
Two obvious differences are the names (D1
and MkD1
) and the
fact that D1
’s kind explicitly binds k
with a forall
, whereas D2
kind does not. But there’s actually an even more insidious difference between
the two: D1
typechecks but D2
does not! Here is the error message you get
if you attempt to compile D2
• Expected kind ‘k’, but ‘Int’ has kind ‘Type’
• In the first argument of ‘D2’, namely ‘Int’
In the type ‘D2 Int’
In the definition of data constructor ‘MkD2’
Eek! How could explicitly quantifying the k
change whether it typechecks or
not? It turns out that GHC typechecks D1
and D2
using two completely
different algorithms, and GHC picks which algorithm to use based on subtle
syntactic clues in the data type declaration. (Yes, this is confusing. I
promise that this story will end in a less confusing place than where it
I will now briefly describe these two algorithms. I will introduce them by
first using the terminology of term-level values, and later I will return to the
case of type-level declarations like D1
and D2
(which are more awkward).
The two algorithms are:
- If a value has a complete type signature [2], generalize the type and check the body of the value against that type.
- Otherwise, use the body of a value to infer its type.
To use concrete examples, consider the code below:
f1 :: [a] -> [a]
f1 = reverse
f2 = reverse
GHC will use Algorithm 1 to check that f1
’s body has the type [a] -> [a]
GHC will use Algorithm 2 to infer that f2
’s type is [a] -> [a]
From a distance, it might seem that Algorithm 2 is more robust than Algorithm 1, since it can synthesize the type signature using nothing but the body of the value. There is a catch, however: there are certain values for which Algorithm 2 cannot infer their types, but Algorithm 1 can successfully check the types of the values against their bodies. An example of this phenomenon is a polymorphically recursive function, such as the one illustrated in the example below:
data Nested a
= Epsilon
| a :<: Nested [a]
nestedLength :: Nested a -> Int
nestedLength Epsilon = (0 :: Int)
nestedLength (x :<: xs) = 1 + nestedLength xs
is a polymorphically recursive function because in the case for
it invokes a recursive call at type Nested [a]
rather than type
Nested a
. The fact that the type parameter to Nested
changes in the recursive
invocation is the defining characteristic of polymorphic recursion.
Because we gave a type signature to nestedLength
, GHC uses Algorithm 1 to typecheck it.
If we omitted the type signature, then GHC would use Algorithm 2, which would
fail with the following error:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ [a]
Expected type: Nested [a] -> Int
Actual type: Nested a -> Int
We can’t really blame GHC for not inferring nestedLength
’s type here.
In general, type inference in the presence
of polymorphic recursion is
undecidable, so there is no algorithm
that could infer the type of every possible polymorphically recursive
function. Luckily, the workaround is simple: just add a type signature.
Why am I blathering on about polymorphic recursion? Recall the definitions of
and D2
from before:
data D1 :: forall k. k -> Type where
MkD1 :: D1 Int -> D1 a
data D2 :: k -> Type where
MkD2 :: D2 Int -> D2 a
It turns out that these data types are also polymorphically recursive, since
their data constructors each have a recursive occurrence of D1
where the type
parameter is instantiated to Int
instead of a
. Therefore, kind-checking
these data types will likely require the use of Algorithm 1 in order to work.
But what exactly does Algorithm 1 mean in the context of data types?
Let’s try to adapt Algorithms 1 and 2 to work over type-level declarations. Here is a rough draft:
- If a declaration has a ??? kind signature, generalize the kind and check the body of the value against that kind.
- Otherwise, use the body of a declaration to infer its kind.
There is one problem remaining: how should GHC choose between Algorithm 1 and
2? That is, what should “???” stand for?
For most of GHC’s existence there was not an obvious answer
to this question, as some type-level declarations have more kind information than
others. For example, data T (a :: Bool) b = ...
declares the kind of its first
parameter but not its second. We could try using Algorithm 1 on it, but that
would generalize the kind to forall k. Bool -> k -> Type
, which might actually
be too general. (Imagine that one of T
’s constructors uses Maybe b
, for
instance, which requires that (b :: Type)
The approach that GHC ended up settling on was the notion of
complete, user-specific kind signatures,
or CUSKs for short. A type-level declaration is considered to have a CUSK if
it has enough syntactic information to warrant using Algorithm 1. For instance,
a GADT with an explicit return kind has a CUSK when all kind variables introduced
after the ::
are explicitly quantified. This explains why D1
typechecks but
does not. Since D1
explicitly quantifies k
, it has a CUSK and therefore
uses Algorithm 1, whereas D2
does not have a CUSK and therefore uses Algorithm 2,
which cannot handle the polymorphic recursion in its data constructor’s type.
This means that the full version of Algorithms 1 and 2 for type-level declarations are:
- If a declaration has a CUSK, generalize the kind and check the body of the value against that kind.
- Otherwise, use the body of a declaration to infer its kind.
CUSKs are good enough for GHC, but they are endlessly confusing for users. There has been a volley of GHC issues filed about kind inference bugs [3] that end up being caused by users accidentally forgetting to give a polymorphically recursive declaration a CUSK. Surely there must be a better alternative to CUSKs?
Well of course there is: it’s StandaloneKindSignatures
! This extension gives
us a much simpler specification for Algorithms 1 and 2:
- If a declaration has a standalone kind signature, generalize the kind and check the body of the value against that kind.
- Otherwise, use the body of a declaration to infer its kind.
The only difference is that I replaced “CUSK” with “standalone kind signature”, but this is a critical difference. GHC users have already been trained to add a signature when the type inference engine isn’t smart enough to infer a type for a value, and now the exact same training carries over to type-level declarations as well. Hooray!
It’s worth noting that the CUSK versions of Algorithms 1 and 2 are
still the default in GHC 8.10.1. This behavior is controlled by the CUSKs
language extension (also introduced in 8.10.1), and enabling NoCUSKs
cause the standalone kind signature versions of Algorithms 1 and 2 to be used
instead. (The StandaloneKindSignatures
extension implies NoCUSKs
.) A
future version of GHC will likely switch the default from CUSKs
to NoCUSKs
#5: SAKS may help fix GHC bugs in the future
If reasons #1-#4 above weren’t enough to convince you that
are the bee’s knees, then just wait: there may
be even more good things to come in a future version of GHC. That’s
because StandaloneKindSignatures
are a prerequisite to fix
GHC#12088, a nasty bug
that prevents certain type-level programs from typechecking. One manifestation
of #12088 is that it is unreasonably difficult to use type families in the
kinds of other type families, as evidenced by the fact that
this program
does not typecheck:
type FooKind :: Type -> k
type family FooKind a
type FooType :: forall (a :: Type) -> FooKind a
type family FooType a
type A :: Type
data A
type instance FooKind A = Type
type instance FooType A = Int
• Expected kind ‘FooKind A’, but ‘Int’ has kind ‘Type’
• In the type ‘Int’
In the type instance declaration for ‘FooType’
This bizarre error—in which FooKind A
fails to evaluate to Type
—is a
result of GHC not doing strongly-connected component (SCC) analysis properly
on type-level declarations. In the example above, the FooType A = Int
instance depends on the FooKind A = Type
instance, so a proper SCC analysis
would process the latter instance before the former one. Because of GHC#12088,
however, this does not happen, so these instances get processed out of
dependency order.
Term-level values also undergo SCC analysis, and a crucial part of making that analysis work correctly is taking type signatures into account during the analysis. By analogy, having standalone kind signatures available will make implementing SCC analysis for type-level declarations much easier.
Figuring out the kind of something without a standalone kind signature can be even gnarlier when visible dependent quantification is involved. ↩
That is, if a value
has a type signaturef :: t
, wheret
contains noPartialTypeSignatures
wildcards. ↩ -
These issues include here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ↩