Improvements to deriving in GHC 8.2
We’re drawing closer to a release of GHC 8.2, which will feature a variety of enhancements to GHC’s deriving
-related extensions. None of the improvements are particularly revolutionary, and for most code, you won’t notice a difference. But there are quite a few quality-of-life fixes that should make doing certain things with deriving
a little less of a hassle.
Deriving strategies
The largest change to deriving
that debuts in GHC 8.2 is a new extension: DerivingStrategies
. Before discussing what DerivingStrategies
does, let me motivate the problem. Imagine you have this datatype:
newtype Foo a = MkFoo a
deriving Show
Now suppose you want to derive another instance for Foo
class Show a => Bar a where
bar :: a -> String
bar = show
deriving instance Bar a => Bar (Foo a)
How should this derived instance be implemented? Well, if you had GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
enabled when compiling it, the derived instance will closely resemble this:
instance Bar a => Bar (Foo a) where
bar (MkFoo a) = bar a
Alternatively, if you had DeriveAnyClass
enabled, the derived instance would instead be:
instance Bar a => Bar (Foo a)
causing the default implementation of bar = show
to kick in.
But what happens if GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
and DeriveAnyClass
are both enabled? Then a problem emerges: deriving Bar
becomes ambiguous! One could reasonably pick either GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
or DeriveAnyClass
to derive Bar
, as shown above. And the choice matters, since the result of evaluating:
bar (MkFoo 'a')
will be 'a'
if GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
is used, and MkFoo 'a'
if DeriveAnyClass
is used.
As it turns out, GHC handles such a scenario by making an arbitrary choice:
* Both DeriveAnyClass and GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving are enabled
Defaulting to the DeriveAnyClass strategy for instantiating Bar
* In the stand-alone deriving instance for `Bar a => Bar (Foo a)'
This is a bit unfortunate, however, because this effectively prevents you from using GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
in any module where DeriveAnyClass
is also enabled. Bummer.
The DerivingStrategies
extension was created to solve precisely this type of ambiguity. Once the extension is enabled, it extends the syntax of deriving
clauses and standalone deriving
declarations slightly, allowing you to augment them with one of three keywords:
These are the “strategies” referred to in DerivingStrategies
. There are only three for now, although more could conceivably be introduced. Here is an example of each strategy:
is named because it refers to the “stock” type classes that GHC simply knows how to derive on its own (credit goes to Joachim Breitner for suggesting what to name this). These include the derivable type classes mentioned in the Haskell Report:
They also include the classes that are only derivable in GHC through bespoke language extensions:
So if you write:
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
newtype Blurggle = MkBlurggle Int
deriving stock Eq
This provides an additional guarantee that the derived instance will really be:
instance Eq Blurggle where
(MkBlurggle x) == (MkBlurggle y) = (x == y)
which can be useful for programmer sanity.
This strategy indicates that you absolutely want to use GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
. To reuse the earlier example, if you wrote:
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype Foo a = MkFoo a
deriving Show
deriving newtype Bar
Then you’ll know that Bar
will be derived via GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
This code also demonstrates another feature of deriving strategies: multiple strategies can be used after a data declaration! This part:
deriving Show
deriving newtype Bar
tells GHC to derive Show
with whatever strategy it sees fit (in this case, it defaults to stock
), and to derive Bar
specifically with GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
. You can also put more than one class after each strategy:
newtype Foo a = MkFoo a
deriving (Read, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
deriving newtype Bar
Finally, the anyclass
strategy corresponds to a use of DeriveAnyClass
. So if you had wrote:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
newtype Foo a = MkFoo a
deriving Show
deriving anyclass Bar
Then, you guessed it, it’ll derive Bar
via DeriveAnyClass
For more details on the innards of deriving strategies, see the corresponding GHC Commentary page.
As an additional fun fact, I was able to use deriving strategies to clean up some of the base
library. In the Foreign.C.Types
and System.Posix.Types
modules, there are a lot of newtypes with slightly unusual Read
and Show
instances. They’re unusual in the sense that they ignore the newtypes’ constructors, which means that deriving (Read, Show)
couldn’t be used to implement these instances. Instead, this ugly hack was used (using the Show CIntPtr
instance as an example):
instance Show CIntPtr where
show = unsafeCoerce# (show :: HTYPE_INTPTR_T -> String)
Yuck. Happily, this can be made much cleaner with deriving strategies!
deriving newtype instance Show CIntPtr
Before GHC 8.2, DeriveAnyClass
only worked on for type classes whose argument is of kind *
or * -> *
. The reason for this seemingly arbitrary restriction is because GHC made a crude simplifying assumption. If you wrote something like:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
data T f a = MkT (f a)
deriving C
Then GHC assumes one of the following cases:
’s argument is of kind*
. Then GHC will deriveC
like it was stock-derivingEq
. That is, it will generate this instance:
instance C (f a) => C (T f a)
’s argument is of kind* -> *
. Then GHC will deriveC
like it was stock-derivingFunctor
. That is, it will generate this instance:
instance C f => C (T f)
If neither case is true, then GHC errors.
This assumption made implementing DeriveAnyClass
simpler, but it made it quite less general than it could be. What’s worse, even though DeriveAnyClass
was co-opting the code for deriving Eq
and Functor
to get the instance contexts right (C (f a)
and C f
, respectively), it wasn’t even doing that part correctly! For example, consider this code:
import GHC.Generics
class TypeName a where
typeName :: proxy a -> String
default typeName :: (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
=> proxy a -> String
typeName _ = datatypeName $ from (undefined :: a)
This uses GHC.Generics
to automatically figure out what the name of a data type is. For instance, here is an example of how you could use it:
data T a = MkT a deriving Generic
instance TypeName (T a)
tName :: String
tName = typeName (Proxy :: Proxy (T ())) -- tName == "T"
So far, so good. But what if we attempted to derive the TypeName
instance for T a
using DeriveAnyClass
data T a = MkT a
deriving (Generic, TypeName)
You might think that GHC would come up with the same instance as the one we wrote manually above:
instance TypeName (T a)
But prior to GHC 8.2, that wasn’t true! If you compiled this code with the -ddump-deriv
flag to see the generated code that GHC derives, you’d discover that the actual instance was this:
instance TypeName a => TypeName (T a)
Huh? This instance has a completely redundant TypeName a
context! Even worse, tName
no longer typechecks, since there’s no TypeName
instance for ()
This behavior, while totally bonkers, was by design. Recall that DeriveAnyClass
was using the same algorithm that GHC uses to stock-derive Eq
instances. That is, because this code:
data T a = MkT a deriving Eq
would generate this instance:
instance Eq a => Eq (T a)
Then as a consequence, DeriveAnyClass
follows the same pattern in deriving a TypeName
instance for T a
. Unfortunately, the approach for deriving Eq
just doesn’t work for a type class like TypeName
It was clear that DeriveAnyClass
needed a new coat of paint, so GHC 8.2 will debut a new inference algorithm for DeriveAnyClass
. Unlike, say, deriving Eq
, which infers the context for its instances by examining the definition of the data type, DeriveAnyClass
infers its context by examining the type signatures of the class’s methods. Continuing the TypeName
class TypeName a where
typeName :: proxy a -> String
default typeName :: (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
=> proxy a -> String
typeName _ = datatypeName $ from (undefined :: a)
data T a = MkT a
deriving (Generic, TypeName)
This will generate a TypeName
instance like this:
instance ??? => TypeName (T a)
GHC determines what ???
is by gathering constraints from the type signatures of TypeName
’s methods and simplifying them as much as possible. In this example, GHC gathers the constraints:
(Generic (T a), Rep (T a) ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
GHC is immediately able to discharge all three of these constraints, so this simplifies down to ()
, so the final instance that GHC generates is:
instance TypeName (T a)
Which is exactly what we wanted. Hooray!
Better yet, this new design completely removes the requirement that the derived class’s argument must be of kind *
or * -> *
, so now DeriveAnyClass
can be used in far more places than it could before.
I owe a great deal of gratitude to Simon Peyton Jones for patiently explaining the parts of the typechecker needed to implement this feature… and for fixing several mistakes in my initial implementation :)
and associated type families
Prior to GHC 8.2, it was impossible to use GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
to derive an instance of this type class:
class Marshal a where
type RepType a
marshal :: a -> RepType a
unMarshal :: RepType a -> a
Or rather, it was impossible for any class with associated type families. But this was rather unfortunate, as implementing Marshal
instances for newtypes is predictable and laden with boilerplate:
newtype Age a = MkAge a
instance Marshal a => Marshal (Age a) where
type RepType (Age a) = RepType a
marshal (Age x) = marshal x
unMarshal x = Age x
So this definitely smells like something that GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
should be able to handle. Thankfully, starting with GHC 8.2, that is the case. You can now just write:
newtype Age a = MkAge a deriving Marshal
And it will generate an instance that is equivalent to the manually written one above.
There are a couple of things to watch out for when using this feature, however. One gotcha is that this only works for associated type families, not data families. It doesn’t make sense to combine associated data families with GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, because if you tried deriving this:
class C a where
data D a
newtype Age a = MkAge a
deriving C
Then what instance would be produced? GHC would have to generate something like this:
instance C (Age a) where
data D (Age a) = ???
And it is not clear what GHC would fill in for ???
, as creating a data family instance here would require a fresh data constructor. That is to say, data family instances are generative, whereas type family instances are not.
Another minor annoyance to watch out for is if you try to derive an instance like this, where the newtype wraps a concrete type (instead of just a type variable, as in Age
class C a where
type T a
newtype MyInt = MyInt Int
deriving T
This is only allowed if UndecidableInstances
is enabled. Why? That’s because the derived instance would be this:
instance C MyInt where
type T MyInt = T Int
GHC’s typechecker isn’t smart enough to conclude that reducing T MyInt
will ever terminate, so it conservatively requires UndecidableInstances
to allow this. Of course, this requirement does rule out things that would legitimately send the typechecker into a loop—for instance, consider what would happen if you did this!
newtype Loop = MkLoop Loop
deriving C
Poly-kinded GHC.Generics
If you use GHC.Generics
, you’re probably familiar with the Generic1
class Generic1 (f :: * -> *) where
type Rep1 f :: * -> *
from1 :: f a -> Rep1 f a
to1 :: Rep1 f a -> f a
If you squint, you’ll notice that the kind of Generic1
is actually less polymorphic than it could be. We can generalize the kind of Generic1
to this:
class Generic1 (f :: k -> *) where
type Rep1 f :: k -> *
In a similar vein, we can kind-generalize most of the datatypes in GHC.Generics
data V1 (p :: k)
data U1 (p :: k) = U1
newtype Par1 p = Par1 p
newtype Rec1 (f :: k -> *) (p :: k) = Rec1 (f p)
newtype K1 i c (p :: k) = K1 c
newtype M1 i c (f :: k -> *) (p :: k) = M1 (f p)
data (:+:) (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k) = L1 (f p) | R1 (g p)
data (:*:) (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k) = f p :*: g p
newtype (:.:) (f :: k2 -> *) (g :: k1 -> k2) (p :: k1) = Comp1 (f (g p))
data family URec a (p :: k)
(The exception being Par1
, of course, since its type parameter is forced to be of kind *
Now we can derive Generic1
instances for more data types than we could before. For example, Derek Elkins uses GHC.Generics
to automatically define Authenticated
instances for a data type that is parameterized over a type that uses DataKinds
in this example.
now implements (<$)
(This addition was not authored by me, but rather by David Feuer. Thanks, David!)
GHC’s DeriveFunctor
extension grants you the power to easily implement a lawful Functor
instance for a given datatype. For instance, data Foo a = Foo a a deriving Functor
would generate the instance:
instance Functor Foo where
fmap f (Foo x y) = Foo (f x) (f y)
However, there’s more to Functor
than just fmap
. Here’s the fully fleshed-out definition of the Functor
type class:
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a
(<$) = fmap . const
also has the somewhat lesser-known method (<$)
, which replaces locations inside the input with the same value. Notice that in the derived Functor
instance above, however, GHC didn’t implement (<$)
manually, but relied on the default implementation (fmap . const
). As it turns out, this default implementation can be very inefficient for certain data structures. Here’s an example from the containers
data Tree a = Bin !(Tree a) a !(Tree a)
| Tip
deriving Functor
This produces the following Functor
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Bin l v r) = Bin (fmap f l) (f v) (fmap f r)
fmap _ Tip = Tip
Using the default implementation of (<$)
for Tree
, we end up with this definition:
(<$) :: a -> Tree b -> Tree a
(<$) x = fmap (\_ -> x)
Alas, GHC is unable to optimize this any further, since fmap is defined recursively. (The curious reader is encouraged to read this for the full story of why this (<$)
definition is difficult to optimize.) And this definition is quite unsatisfactory, since this will produce a Tree
full of thunks of the form ((\_ -> x) y)
, which allocates far more (and leaks way more space) than it should need to.
Luckily, there’s a pretty simple fix: just be smarter about deriving Functor
instances. In GHC 8.2 and later, DeriveFunctor
will implement (<$)
in addition to fmap
to avoid the aforementioned space leaks. For comparison, here is how 8.2 would derive the Functor Tree
instance above:
instance Functor Tree where
-- fmap is as before
z <$ Bin l v r = Bin (z <$ l) z (z <$ r)
_ <$ Tip = Tip
Much better!